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"Children are our future, let us all join hands and walk there with them."
About Us
Role of Governors
The Governing Body ensures that the nursery school meets it’s statutory responsibilities and ensures that the provision for children and families is regularly monitored and evaluated.
The governing body is a group of unpaid volunteers who support the Headteacher in running the school. Governors meet regularly to discuss the schools needs, acting as "critical friends" in order to improve the schools performance. A Governors role is to challenge the headteacher by asking important questions in order to help pupils reach their full potential.
Chair of Governors: Mrs Carol Ferron-Smith
Governing Body Members
Former Governors
Governor Meeting Attendance 2023-2024
Governor Meeting Attendance 2022-2023
Governor Meeting Attendance 2021-2022
Governor Meeting Attendance 2020-2021
Y: Attended
N: Apologies Accepted
NA: Apologies not Accepted
N: No Apologies sent
FGB: Full Governing Board
FGP: Finance and General Purposes
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