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Low Hill Nursery School Win ARC Trauma & Attachment Award

We are delighted to share that we have been awarded the ARC Trauma & Attachment award for Early years. LHNS was nominated by Darren Martindale, Virtual Schools Head, Wolverhampton. This is a national award which recognises and celebrates best practice in attachment and trauma-aware schools and settings. The winners were announced at the ARC (Attachment Research Community) national conference on 22nd November. Natalie our head teacher went along to collect the award on behalf of all staff at LHNS. "Low Hill have established a well-deserved reputation as a highly attachment-aware setting where staff are “mindful, recognising triggers, knowing the theory & putting it into practice” (Well being Award for Schools – a previous accolade for the school). As one of our Senior Educational Psychologists commented: “they also are now the first nursery school to be awarded the Autism Friendly Schools’ award… they do some fantastic work there"

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